
Registration will be opened from March 17th to May 10th.

Fees (including coffee breaks and a coktail party on Tuesday evening):

  • Regular = 120 €
  • Students = 80 €

The process (a bit long but not so complex...) is as follows:

  1. You follow this link
  2. You choose your language (English / French)
  3. You select the right congress (!)
  4. You pre-register by filling a short form regarding your personal information
  5. We confirm your pre-registration (note that this manual step might take a bit of time)
  6. You receive an email from '' confirming your pre-registration
  7. You follow the link provided in the email to proceed the payment
  8. You fill in another form and you pay either by credit-card or by 'bon de commande' (only for French administration)
  9. You receive an email from '' confirming your payment
  10. You feel happy
  11. We welcome you in Paris
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